Saturday, October 24, 2009

TOXIC Workplace, Culture, or Boss

Here is some food for thought to help you think about your current or future place of employment...

Do the 'Big Boys' think they are "more equal" than the Rest?

“If your boss scans you from head to waist versus waist to head as they extend their hand in greeting you, they are intuitively sending a message that you are smaller than they are,” explains Zannah Hackett, author of The Ancient Wisdom of Matchmaking. Though subtle, it’s the nonverbal equivalent of a belittling comment. “This is not a good sign that your talents are going to flourish in this environment.”

Do executives walk around the office or plant to visit employees?
Are they asking for genuine input or just pushing their agenda or checking up on everyone?
Who has special parking spots?
Who has their own rest room?

What is the Level of Respect?

Are employees who treat people with trust and respect considered weak and no management material? Is tough, no-nonsense supervisory behavior is rewarded? Either of these displays lack leadership skills.

Is rude behavior allowed? This can range from making negative comments either directly or (even worse) behind people's backs, to unprofessional behavior such as not returning emails/phone calls or showing up late for important meetings.

Obviously cursing is out of the question.

How about Trust?

It's one thing to state that you trust someone, but the devil lies in the details and comes out in unconscious behaviors. Who gets blamed for current problems? Who takes credit when good things happen?

Is information shared freely? Or do certain people have to find out through other channels?
Are some people privy to information that should be shared by peers?
Have you ever been discussing a subject and realized that the other person is trying to find out how much you know to see whether you are privy to the same information that he/she is?
Are you in the know and realizing that the other person is not providing information he/she should at a certain point?

Are salaried employees clocking in/out?

Performance Management

Is showing up more important than delivering results?
Are expectations and goals even communicated?

Are employees expected to intuitively know what is expected from them without explanation? Do managers have blow-ups when something goes wrong that you were supposed to be aware of?

Are employees merely trying to gain leadership's favor and do some employees routinely fall in and out of leadership's favor?

Are employees expected to assume heavier workloads and work excessive overtime while legitimate requests for headcount increases are denied, all while the company is promoting the importance of work/life balance or upper ranks seem to have all the time in the world?

"People are our greatest Asset"

How much paid training does the company provide?
Can you choose your own courses?
Is a development plan established and followed?

Do you feel comfortable voicing opposing view points or even your honest opinion?
Is trying something new encouraged or is failure regarded too much of a weakness?
Do employees merely do as they're told, rather than take initiative when they think something is worth pursuing?

Are employees let go without warning or explanation? Does a great cloud of silence and taboo try to wipe out that they've ever been a part of the organization?

Do external features such as beauty, weight, or race influence management's behavior, selection, and actions?

Are hiring decisions made in the upper ranks instead of through the hiring manager and HR?
Is HR merely an administrative function that is following directions rather than the partner to develop great people and work environments?
Do 'buddies' or long-time business relationships come aboard and then end up not performing to par, but are still tolerated?

How is turnover? Do performers switch within 5 years? Are certain employees merely hanging on? Are the long-term employees truly happy?
How do employees and leadership talk about previous employees?


Organizations with toxic cultures and/or bosses may seem very successful on the surface, but internally, the decline has already started. It's best to get out while you can unless maybe you are receiving a boatload of cash and your health and private life is not in jeopardy (yet).

I would welcome comments about additional signs of a toxic workplace, culture, or boss.

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